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Trials to Triumph Logo

Meet Triumph the Turtle!

The Trials to Triumph, LLC logo depicts a happy turtle wearing bright, red running shoes. Behind Triumph is a yellow, semi-circle shape reminiscent of a sun at the horizon.  Why a turtle wearing running shoes?  If you or someone you love is dealing with mental health concerns, there might be days when you’ve felt like a turtle wanting to hide inside your shell.  Perhaps there have been moments where you have felt like a turtle on your back struggling to right yourself.  At Trials to Triumph, there is help and support for times like these.  Here, at Trials to Triumph, LLC, we do not want to put the emphasis on how fast one travels, but rather the progress one makes on the journey!  Everyone has great qualities and skills to bring to the race.  With the proper support, you will make amazing strides.  Let Triumph be your guide!  Reach out now!  Team up with Trials to Triumph and you will be making that first step to head in the right direction!

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